百夫长语录如下: 初遇:“你好,老板~生活就是一场赌局。总是揣着手可不会发生奇迹的哦,你打算什么时候才下注呢?”“Hey,Jefe Life is a gamble Miracles won't h app en if you just sit around and wait for it When exactly are you going to make a bet?” 箱中气候:“我们来打个赌吧,我选天气会在三小时后放晴。”“I bet you the weather's gonna clear up in three hours.” 致未来:“未来——未来会有更刺激的冒险吗?你想想,那些夸张的小说里不都这样写吗?神秘术总归会毁灭世界,让一切都变成废墟!”“The future–will the future bring more thrilling adventures? Think about it Isn't it always like this in those exaggerated novels? Arcanum will eventually destroy the world and render everything to ruins!” 孑立:“老虎机、黑杰克、俄罗斯轮盘…… 哼哼~”“Slot machines, Blackjack, Russian Roulette Hah.” 问候:“哦,老板,随便坐,别和我客气。” 槲寄生语录如下: 初遇:“我是槲寄生,很高兴认识您。……您说看不出我很高兴?呵……那么现在呢?”“I am Druvis III It's my pleasure to meet you You said I didn't look very pleased? Hah How about now?” 箱中气候:“水从泥土里去往天上,又从天上坠落地面。如我一般,从林中来,又向林中去。”“Water travels from the ground to the sky, and then falls back Just as I, who comes from the forest, and now goes back.” 致未来:“或许,在工业之梦结束的那日。没有人再会伐尽茂密的林海。我期待着那一天。”“Perhaps when the dream of industrial society is realizedNo one will ever cut down the dense forest I am looking forward to that day.” 孑立:“……您也在聆听窗外树梢间的风声吗?”“ Are you also listening to the wind dancing on the treetops?” 问候:“你带来了一缕原野的风。”“You brought me a gentle breeze on the field.” 朝晨:“太阳升起,野兽们噤声不吠。而后,我听见第一只离林之鸟振翅的声响。”“When the sun rose, the beasts kept silence Then, I heard a bird flapping its wings It's the first to leave the forest.” 信任 - 朝晨:“如果更晚、更怠惰,您就看不到那样美丽的日出了。……这真的没有关系吗?”“If you be lazier and get up even later, You wouldn't see such a beautiful sunrise Does it matter?” 夜暮:“时代的潮水不断起落,正如日夜更迭流转。一晦一明,永无止境。”“Tides of time rise and fall Days and nights switch and whirl The infinite loop will never come to an end.” 信任 - 夜幕:“夜幕降临了,野兽嘶鸣,夜枭呜咽。它们的脚步踏在大地上,如同树木的根须扎入泥土中。”“The night falls The beasts howl The owls sob Their feet treading on the ground are just like the roots embedded into the soil.” 帽檐与发鬓:“对我的眼睛感兴趣吗?它遗传自我的母亲。虽然我没有如她所愿,成为上流社会的淑女。我感谢母亲留给我的一切。”“The green eyes? They are inherited from my mother Although I did not grow into a lady of the upper class as she wished I thank my mother for everything she left.” 袖与手:“当我第一次接触到自然的草木时,我就知道我的生命属于它们。”“When I first saw trees and grass, I knew my life belongs to them.” 衣着与身形:“礼服与鞋跟不会阻挡我的步伐。我能在林间跳跃,因为我曾经无数次这么做过。”“Gowns and heels will not stop me I will jump in the woods, as I have done this countless times.” 嗜好:“在林中独处是一种享受。从旦通宵,以夜继昼,于我而言只是一瞬而已。”“It is a pleasure to be alone in the forest In a flash, cards of days and nights are shuffled.” 赞赏:“您的优秀证实了我的眼光。”“Your excellence proves my insight.” 亲昵:“我不擅长逢迎交际,也难以理解暧昧的真意。这样是一种欠缺吗?”
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