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2024年09月26日 00:12


《通天大道宽又阔》是由姚明作曲、编曲,由崔京浩、三叶草演唱组演唱的一首歌曲。这首歌曲被选作央视 2000 年播出的电视连续剧《西游记续集》中的片头主题曲。其英语版歌词为:大道通天宽又阔 The Way to the Sky Wide and Broad 作词:姚明 英译:译海轻舟 刚擒住了几个妖 After catching some demons 又降住了几个魔 We've subdued a few devils 魑魅魍魉 How come there'd be 怎么它就这么多 Evil spirits so many (嘿嘿 吃俺老孙一棒)(Heihei, take the stick of me Old Sun) 杀你个魂也丢来魄也落 Kill you to make your soul lost and heart shocked 神也发抖 鬼也哆嗦 Gods will shiver, ghosts will quiver 打得那狼虫虎豹无处躲 Beat all ferocious beasts to hide nowhere 刚翻过了几座山 After climbing some mountains 又越过了几条河 We've just crossed a few rivers 崎岖坎坷 How come there'd be 怎么它就这么多 Rugged places so many (俺老孙去也 呀)(Me Old Sun go yeah, ya) 去你个山更险来水更恶 Go to the more dangerous rills and hills 难也遇过,苦也吃过 After trying and bitter times 走出个通天大道宽又阔 We'll walk the way to the sky wide and broad 去你个山更险来水更恶 Go to the more dangerous rills and hills 难也遇过,苦也吃过 After trying and bitter times 走出个通天大道宽又阔 We'll walk the way to the sky wide and broad 译于 2024.8.17/10:57 修定于 2024.8.24/7:58 。此外,在一些关于城市发展的报道中也有引用“通天大道宽又阔”的表述,比如石家庄为推动城市发展进行路网优化提升,道路状况改善,以“通天大道宽又阔”奏响城市蝶变之歌。还有人分享这首歌时表示其符合奋斗者的心境,鼓励大家一起奋斗走向美好明天。

