<[BOS_never_used_51bce0c785ca2f68081bfa7d91973934]> Tianming The basic structure of the global warming models is actually an approximation of the multi-factor non-linear climate change system, which is established on the basis of incomplete data collection, and is used to predict the future of climate change. It should be noted that these models have certain uncertainties. So far, the main methods for predicting climate change are as follows: 1. **Numerical simulation**: Numerical simulation models are established for various processes of the climate system, and climate change is predicted by inputting observational data and parameter settings. 2. **Empirical statistical**: Using statistical methods, the relationship between climate variables and influencing factors is established based on historical data, and future climate change is predicted. These methods have certain limitations and uncertainties, which need to be continuously improved through scientific research.
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