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2024年12月03日 15:05


以下是一些包含“伴我入眠”歌词的歌曲: - 《党啊亲爱的妈妈》:“妈妈哟妈妈亲爱的妈妈,你用那甘甜的乳汁把我喂养大,扶我学走路,教我学说话,唱着夜曲伴我入眠,心中时常把我牵挂。” - 有一首歌词提到“就在那一个午后,我看不清这个世界,只听到风儿吹过,泪水就布满双眼,曾经的花花世界,如今都看不见,只留下漫长的黑夜,伴我入眠。” - 还有“画壁(倩女OL2主题曲原版)”中的歌词“不再叹,误前缘,不再盼,梦里彼岸,不再怨,前世今生的纠缠,原来世间情,如露如电,灯火,阑珊,相思何必再见,有清风,伴我入眠。” - 英文歌中有“Wait a second, let me catch my breath. Remind me how it feels to hear your voice.Your lips are moving, I can't hear anything. Living life as if we had a choice. Anywhere, any time. I would do anything for you. Anything for you. Yesterday got away. Melodies stuck inside your head. A song in every breath. Sing me to sleep now. Sing me to sleep. Won't you sing me to sleep now? Sing me to sleep. Remember me, no time cannot erase. I can hear your whispers in my mind. I've become what you cannot embrace. Our memory will be my lullaby. Sing me to sleep now. Sing me to sleep. Won't you sing me to sleep now? Sing me to sleep. Anywhere anytime. I willdo. Time away. Yesterday - day. A - anytime. I would do. Time away. Yesterday - day.”(其中“Sing me to sleep now”等表述有伴我入眠的含义)

