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2024年09月12日 19:01


《一人之下》第一季的 ED 是“In the Dawn”,其歌词包括“闭上了双眼 When closed my eyes,有一种怀念正在涌现 a kind of nostalgia is emerging.如今何处的你 Wherever you are now,会为了些什么在哭泣 what will you cry for?时间之海永在流逝 The ocean of time is flowing forever,冲淡了所有过去 dilute all the past,冲淡了记忆 dilute the memory.岁月之沙永在流逝 The sand of years is slipping forever,带走了过去 take the past away,带走了所有记忆 take all the memory away.每一天每一天 everyday, everyday,你日出的时刻 when the sun rises,迎接着新的一天 you are facing another new day,却又不知用何种心情 but don’t know with which kind of feelings.每一刻每一刻里你轮回的事故 Every moment, every moment, when the samsara sets,不知疲倦的自己 The tireless self,在探寻生存的意义 is seeking for the meaning of survival ” 原漫画《一人之下》同样精彩,点击按钮下载 App 立享精彩内容!

